Network modernization benefits and challenges


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Jun 09, 2023

Network modernization benefits and challenges

Software-defined network orchestration tools are a way to modernize the design, deployment and ongoing operational support of network infrastructures. Placing a layer of software abstraction among

Software-defined network orchestration tools are a way to modernize the design, deployment and ongoing operational support of network infrastructures. Placing a layer of software abstraction among switches, routers, wireless access points and other components can provide a unified dashboard that delivers numerous benefits that can reduce both Capex and Opex.

However, if some potential drawbacks are not fully researched and vetted, they can render many of the perceived benefits fruitless. In this article, we look at the benefits and challenges of network modernization tools to help organizations determine if a network modernization project is worth their time and money.

The benefits of network modernization provide organizations with a way to streamline the design, deployment and operations of enterprise networks. The benefits include the following:

Depending on the network modernization platform of choice, organizations must still overcome a few challenges and barriers to maximize a modern enterprise network investment. These challenges may include the following:

The tools and platforms available on the market that facilitate network modernization are only now starting to mature. Many of the software orchestration tools available on the market today are vastly different from one another. This is especially true as it relates to the hardware and software supported by the tools.

As such, organizations must conduct careful research to determine if the Capex, Opex and time savings expected can be achieved. Some vendors, for example, are focused on creating tools and features for their high-end networking gear that is targeted toward only the largest enterprise organizations. Other vendors offer more flexibility with the tools they support, including multivendor management capabilities and the use of open standards-based network protocols.

In the end, a particular orchestrator service may have certain caveats or drawbacks that must be overlooked to meet the needs of the business, whether it's for cost savings, improved service agility and reliability, or lightening the workload of networking staff. The challenge is to identify what's most important and find the tool that meets those needs.

Part of: A guide to network modernization

In some ways, network modernization means cutting manual configuration errors and relying on automation and orchestration to achieve unified network management.

The benefits of network modernization include better visibility and automated configuration. The challenges include integration with existing tools and cost concerns.

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